Hi, just a little house keeping.
This blog is not primarily financially driven. I put it up in 2015 to build a community and help others.
Regardless, beginning December 1, 2009, the FTC requires bloggers to disclose whenever there could be hidden interests or unspoken biases related to recommendations. So here goes…
First, the obvious: I am a writer, advisor and affiliate that sometimes markets other people websites, blogs and products.
Second, the less obvious: Per the FTC rules, if I interview someone and they grab the bill for lunch, I would need to disclose this. Ditto if I use an Amazon link that gets me 8 cents instead of an Amazon link that gets me 0 cents. If someone gives me a comfy t-shirt with a logo and I wear it in a photo, same deal. Disclaimers all over the place. This would be tedious for me and even more tedious for readers. But rules are rules.
To cover myself and preserve your reading experience, please assume that, for every link and product I use, the following all hold true: